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What we do

Remember the truth of who you are & unlock your radiant, wild, creatrix.

TEMPLE MA is a transformative sanctuary for the remembrance of our true love nature through embodied leadership and sacred somatics. 

We are here to serve women at a pivotal time in human history—through the initiations of birthing life, yourself as a mother, birthing business and the beyond.

Through an easeful unearthing of embodied knowing, we invite you to say yes to your highest destiny. Reclaim your center, and experience the infinite self, as love, through honoring the ritual transitions of womanhood. Integrate both cosmic and practical insights and develop customized practices to support sustainable shifts and move from stagnation and choas to clarity and abundance.


Pour into yourself

THE Four pillars



sacred somatics

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Open infinite dimensions of possibility and discover a felt sense of safety in surrender to the wild unknown. Release in to deep self-acceptance, eternal sovereignty, and expansive belonging. through supportive somatic experiencing, and deep witnessing centered in loving awareness. From this held sense, anchor your experience of self in easeful abundance, build pathways of prosperity and enjoy more pleasure and possibility in your daily life. With guided support, unlock and listen to the wealth of wisdom in your body and experience greater peace and connection. Gently clear traumas, and releasing blockages to your highest destiny and chart your golden path, in perfect accord with your divine blueprint, with clarity and grace.



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Leaders actively and consciously create their own realities.. Aligned leaders birth worlds through embodied knowing. We hold our hearts open, even in hell, to stand as a portal through which this next golden era Is ushered in. Now is the time to show up as your highest, most radiant self and to pioneer a new model of leadership beyond our individual and collective conditioned limitations. The new earth awaits your authentic expression—YOU, unleashed and alive, activated and aligned in your purpose, passion and prosperity. Elevate your experience and effectiveness with practical self-mastery techniques and esoteric enchantments.. You are always already leading—choose the highest timeline with each breath, and move beyond the trappings of victimhood and blame to claim your purposeful transformation and lead yourself first.


The beauty way

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Unlock your beauty birthright — interdimensional, vibrational, cosmic beauty that radiates and magnetizes under the command of your highest, most Majestic self. Learn how to find pleasure in the alchemy of ALL to create vibrational beauty that illuminates the path and opens doors. let in the experience of more beauty in your life and walk the beauty way. Beauty, embodied—luminous, light, enlivened, enchanting— is the truth of who you are. On this path you will come to recognize that there is no end to your ability to cultivate, emanate and evoke in others, transcendent radiance, abundant beauty, and graceful magnetism.. Integrate the art of whole beauty, as a seminal practice of self creation, to experience the depth of your being ness as beauty. Unravel and release the beauty myths that bind your ability to recognize yourself as bliss and to reflect that essence of beauty, through your embodiment, back to the multiverse.


masculine/ feminine harmonics

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Soften in to your feminine power and let love open the heart womb petals for your inner masculine to witness in purity of presence. Heal your inner marriage of masculine and feminine archetypal aspects to then experience and evoke what you desire from the masculine in your life. Lean in to your softness to harmonize the mechanics of your existence as a relational and multidimensional, feminine embodied being. Learn the secrets of sacred relationship and yogic intimacy through the practice of revealing/ reveling in the wildness of your womb frequency. Bring in to balance and heal your masculine and feminine aspects to embody the original embrace of opposites through inner marriage / heiros gamos. address the imbalances of these energetic aspects through feminine embodiment practices. Come alive to the magic of your feminine nature when understood, cultivated and nourished. Learn feminine practices that allow your juicy vibrancy to express itself through you. Learn to be held by your own inner masculine in sacred devotion and allow this inner principle to set soft structure to witness and

Doorways to your divinity

Our Commitments

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Integrity AS A seminal PRACTICE OF SELF

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devotional feminine embodiment & Frequency medicine AS OUR PRIMARY TECH

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Holding the Polarity: inhabiting a Neutral Viewpoint as Key to Freedom

chart your golden path

Link purpose, pleasure & prosperity In your mothering, loving & leadership

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Whatever it is, you desire, is meant for you. learn to harness your longing to elevate your psychic e/state, and access your original divine blueprint to embodY your purpose, passion and prosperity.

The world of your highest destiny awaits your remembrance.


enter the temple

discover your divine blueprint